Reasons for blogging

  an image from windows reports indicating a man behind a keyboard. There has been a lot of misconception when it comes to blogs, bloggers, and blogging in general. Maybe because as easy as it may be   'just writing" is not taken seriously as pertained to other career paths when it comes to professionalism or maybe because there have been quieter a number of problematic writers who have chosen to use shortcuts when it comes to publishing blogs, later duping them into trouble or getting negative reviews. eg cases of breach of privacy and plagiarism among others.   However, as a sager puts it  "there are two sides to the coin", and blogging has a lot of good stories in it the most eye-catching, it being bait that could attract money when done professionally by targeting the right audience, using the right channels and keeping them glued to beautiful articles that they resonate with, in their daily lives.  I know that maintaining a suitable audience can be such an uphil

Facing our fears has never been this easy !



    This takes me a couple of years back before I attained my UAE driving license. First, let me
give credit where it's due, those classes compared to what I thought I learned in my home country were in-depth and very informative that by the time I was done I  had acknowledged myself as a competent driver indeed.  But it wasn’t easy at all as there were a few lessons that gave me cold feet, one being changing lanes! Yes, changing lanes!  UAE has these massive roads with numerous lanes and speedy cars hence my fear. That experience always felt like battling with a king of the jungle. I was afraid so badly when it came to that session I wouldn’t feel myself.  I dreaded it. I would tremble and feel sick to my stomach. I wished we could skip that part. The reason behind my fear was that I dint believe in my capability to change lanes thinking that I would cause confusion and a crash. 

 I remember my instructor and thanks to him for not giving up on me, asking me to try it over and over again advising me to use the simple rules of checking out with the three mirrors just to make sure the coast was clear for me to Change lane swiftly without a hustle. But regardless of how much faith he had in me I still had fear. I dint believe in myself. I thought I wasn’t competent enough and I remember telling him that I felt defeated I just couldn’t do It anymore and I cried.  He asked me one question that  I presume must have triggered my senses “ if you are afraid to do it then why are  you here ?” ….. that question stirred my mind all night. I realized that I had given the fear that much power that I almost forgot my ultimate goal to take the driving test in the first place. That was part of the price I needed to pay for leaving my daughter behind and working abroad. If I hadn't gotten that license my trip would have been of no value, meaning my sacrifice would have been in vain. I didn't want to lose and so I decided I was going to face that little fear that I had blown out of proportion because clearly changing lanes wasn’t supposed to give me sleepless nights. The next day I woke up with this zeal towards my classes and when that moment arrived I did it! I changed lanes for the first time without pressure. They say when something goes well the first time it becomes an addiction, I was extremely overjoyed I did it repeatedly without my instructor telling me. The look in his eyes read  “accomplishment and pride ”! date as I change lanes I always look back and laugh like really? If I knew what lay on the other side of my fear I wouldn’t tremble nor cry nor accept defeat. Clearly had  I not faced that little fear God knows I’d have taken my flight home a big loser and full of regrets!

          My short experience is just an example of how we wrap fear around circumstances in our lives that are meant to take us to the next level. Most of these fears are not always life-threatening. We give them the power to threaten our lives and that is why most people don’t live to their full potential.  Identify that which makes you afraid when it comes to living your dreams.  Allow it to mobilize you. It won’t be easy, it will be challenging but again ain’t it the gate pass to your destiny? Ask yourself “ what’s the worse that could happen if I faced my fear? Will I die ..? ”   You could be afraid to express your opinions fearing criticism, you could be fearing to defend your self-integrity, you could be fearing to make that first entrepreneurial move, you could be fearing a no answer from making a proposal, or better still you could be afraid of failing from a new investment plan. You will never know how it feels to be an achiever if you wrap fear around an important move in your life. Challenging things become easier the more we do them. face the fear and do it anyway.  Life is about growth so choose between sitting back in your comfort zone or facing your fears by moving forward. Always look at the Bigger picture. Look at yourself conquering. Look at yourself as an achiever. Look at yourself living the life you have always wanted.

         Today as you engage in your daily routine acknowledge your fear. Ask yourself why you’re there in the first place. Allow it to take you through a challenge. Remember it doesn’t have power except for the one you give it. Thirst for your identity. Push yourself off the cliff, if your wings won’t spread then you’ll land safely on the ground. You won’t die! Life is about trying over and over again. Eventually, your wings will spread out and when they do, you’ll be flying swiftly like an eagle high above the skies like you never  ever failed!

Live your Dreams or live your Fears.

(I dont own rights to image)


Pablo said…
Jamila said…
That's the way to go! Face your fears ����
Kui K said…
We shouldn't give our fears our power. This is profound.
Lucy Achieng" said…
wow this ir remarkable.let no fears hold you down