Reasons for blogging

an image from windows reports indicating a man behind a keyboard. There has been a lot of misconception when it comes to blogs, bloggers, and blogging in general. Maybe because as easy as it may be 'just writing" is not taken seriously as pertained to other career paths when it comes to professionalism or maybe because there have been quieter a number of problematic writers who have chosen to use shortcuts when it comes to publishing blogs, later duping them into trouble or getting negative reviews. eg cases of breach of privacy and plagiarism among others. However, as a sager puts it "there are two sides to the coin", and blogging has a lot of good stories in it . The most eye-catching, being bait that could attract money when done professionally by targeting the right audience, using the right channels and keeping them glued to beautiful articles that they resonate with, in their daily lives. I know that maintaining a suitable audience can be...